Our terms and conditions for Facebook-Sweepstake

  • Who can take part in the competition?

All natural persons over the age of 18 may take part in our competition.

  • Who is the organizer?

We, RIWI buildit, are the organisers of this competition.

  • From when until when does the competition run?

Start: 11.09.2020 at 11 a.m.
End: 30.09.2020 at 6 p.m.

  • What is there to win?

One 24 RIWI brick set incl. shipping to the winner.

  • How will the prizes be handed over?

The winner will be contacted with a personal message on Facebook. They will receive a voucher code with which they will receive the 24 RIWI building blocks free of charge via our online shop. The brick set will then be sent to the winner.

  • What happens if a winner does not respond?

If the winner does not respond within 7 days, a new winner will be drawn. The old winner loses his or her right to the prize.

  • Exemption from Facebook

The competition is run by RIWI buildit and has no relation to Facebook. Facebook is not available as a contact for this sweepstake. All questions are to be submitted exclusively to RIWI buildit.

Good luck with the competition and thank you very much for taking part!
Your RIWI buildit Team